RG Cowan 2022 Recap

Here at RG Cowan Design Build we produce high quality custom homes to fit the dynamic lifestyles in the Grand Valley. We achieve this level of excellence by nurturing a Team of talented and diverse collaborators with a common goal in mind: live a life of beauty, fun and balance. RG Cowan Design Build elevates the world around us by creating modern, clean, beautiful spaces for life to be lived in the most aspiring way.

2022 was a forward-thinking year for us at RG Cowan Design Build. The pressures and unique challenges that the post-pandemic world has thrown our way have sparked an overhaul of our processes. With new things to consider at every turn, like material shortages and the ever-fluctuating labor availability, we had to ensure we continued to serve our clients as best we could. A more refined design process, streamlined communication, and structured leadership on job sites are only a few improvements we focused on throughout the year.

A primary challenge this year was managing the workload. It seems as though the mass exodus from cubicles created a new-found appreciation for how your home can be a multifaceted vessel for life and family. As designers, we want to say yes to every project that is brought to us. However, if we over-commit we can’t honor our client’s needs with as much dedication. As a team, we shifted our focus to designing and building only custom homes. This change is allowing us to redirect our energy to select jobs. Our daily duties are centered around the client experience, and if our time can be focused, the better that experience will be.

Continued education allows our team members to keep up with the ever changing landscape of custom home building while increasing creativity and efficiency within our team. During the upcoming year, Miranda and Josey are planning on attending the 2023 International Builders Show to gain knowledge of new products and systems that we can offer to our clients.

Not only did our systems change and improve, but so did our team. In the shop, we brought on Shop Assistant Zach Villamaria and welder Bill Campbell. Zach has been helping Shop Manager Tim with our GFRC jobs and general upkeep in addition to juggling a full school schedule at Colorado Mesa University. Bill has been our primary welder for the last several months and is churning out projects left and right while also instructing at Western Colorado Community College. We recently hired a Project Coordinator out of Montana, Chase Veldboom. Chase moved out here with his wife Kelsey and daughter Sailor to join our team. With experience in construction and running a business, he has proven to be an invaluable asset to our team. To learn more about Chase and his family, click here.

RG Cowan Design Build Fruita Team and Family

This year, RG Cowan Design Build also completed a number of projects that our team is very proud of. We finished a spacious retreat in Palisade which can be found here, a contemporary kitchen renovation (find details in our blog here), a craftsman master bathroom renovation, a Fruita tiny home, and we are on the tail end of another high-end kitchen renovation. We, the RG Cowan Design Build team is extremely proud of our work and we look forward to many more fun projects in 2023.

While we may have a team of workaholics, we always find time to spend with our families and friends. This year Ryan took his family to Mexico for some relaxing time in the sun and sand. Miranda, our Office Administrator, took a number of trips to sunny California as well as into the mountains for time on the slopes. Zach spent some time in Italy with his family studying ancient architecture. Chase moved his family here, which proves to be a unique experience every day.

We look forward to what we have on our schedule in 2023, and we can’t wait to share it with you! Happy New Year!

Picture of Ryan Cowan

Ryan Cowan:
Owner I Operator

RG COWAN DESIGN BUILD crafts dynamic custom homes in Grand Junction, Redlands, Palisade, Appleton, and Fruita, Colorado

We believe that good design is born of inspiration, iteration, and collaboration. It is born out of a process of idea making with a goal of creating beautiful spaces for people. It happens through the interaction with our clients, our collaborators, and our consultants, while always respecting constraints and the natural world. The process is Fluid, founded in the spirit of engagement, while adapting to the needs of a changing world. We think, we design, we build.

These buidling resources will help you navigate the process of building a custom home in and around Grand Junction, Colorado.